
The purpose of this page is to explain how to use Git and GitHub for course assignments.

General information about GitHub/Git can be found on the Git(Hub). This page is really about using git/github for in the particular context of courses and in a simplified way.


Let us consider as an example the aeis course of the m2r school. with a typical scenario implying the a group G12 in which two students working in pair:

  • Noe and
  • Babako.

Obviously these values has to be replaced by actual values in the commands presented later.

All information about the course aeis is available on Each group can see three repositories:

Repository Description Access
m2r-aeis-info Information and slides about the course Read Only
m2r-aeis-root Assignement skeletons (code, etc.) Read Only
m2r-aeis-G12 Group repository (one for each group) Read/Write

All repositories lives on GitHub. For instance babako and noe have at their disposal a “group repository”, at This repository is private so only Noe, Babako and teachers can see it when logged in on GitHub.

This repository will be shared by Noe and Babako to work together. It will contain the final result evaluated at the end of assignments. In practice Noe and Babako will clone this repository on their local machines, will work separately on their local repositories and “push” and “pull” modification to the “group repository”. When the deadline will arrive the content of the “group repository” m2r-aeis-G12 will be evaluated.


The steps below provides an overview of a possible process. Technical details are provided in the next sections.

  1. Noe installs the git toolkit on her machine or uses git it at the university.
  2. Noe first configures git on the local account(s) she uses (on her machine, at the university, or both).
  3. Noe is at the university. She “clones” locally the “group repository” from GitHub in a home directory.
  4. Noe “pulls” the assignment skeletons from the m2r-aeis-root repository. She gets the different files on her account at the university.
  5. Noe puts Babako and her name in the file. She “commits” and “pushes” this changes to the “group repository” on GitHub.
  6. Noe browses the assignments, looks at existing WorkItems, makes some first changes in order to start implementing the first assignment.
  7. From time to time Noe “commits” and “pushes” the modifications to the “group repository” on GitHub. This will make it possible for her (or Babako) to continue to work at home or at the university later). She just has to remember to “push” the modifications to GitHub at the end of each work session. At some point Noe leaves the campus.
  8. Noe arrives at home and want to continue one her laptop. She “pulls” the last modifications from the “group repository” and continue working on her laptop.
  9. At anytime Babako can also make a “clone” of the “group repository”. He will get the last version “pushed” by Noe. He can then work in parallel on other issues for instance.
  10. To get the last updates from the “group repository”, Noe and Babako “pull” the changes regularly. This allows them to incorporate modifications from each other. Since they are not fluent with git they avoid to modify the same parts of the same file at the same time. This helps avoiding merge conflicts.
  11. Deadline is about to arrived. Noe and Babako make sure that all their changes have been pushed to the “group repository” on GitHub. They also double check that the WorkItems has been updated and that they reflects what has been done.
  12. The deadline arrives. Nothing has to be delivered: everything is already in the “group repository”. The work of the group is evaluated though the inspection of the content of the “group repository” at the deadline.

The following sections explain how to implement such a typical scenario.

Installing Git

To install git on your machine (if not already installed) have a look at the Installing the git toolkit.

Configuring Git

You have to configure git once on each machine you use. For instance you may want to configure your account at the university and/or your account on your personal machine.


The values provided in this example MUST be replaced by actual values.

#---- configure git -------------------------------------------------------
# Attributes with --global goes the .gitconfig file.
# Configure the user associated with contributions (e.g. git push)
git config --global "Noe ZARWIN"
git config --global ""

# Keep the password in memory for 2h
git config --global credential.helper "cache --timeout=7200"
# On some machine this method does not work and you will get an error message
# or a warning after each pull/push. In this case just remove the
# configuration option above using the following command:
#    git config --global --unset credential.helper

# OPTIONAL: Add a proxy ONLY if your machine is behind a firewall
git config --global http.proxy

# OPTIONAL: Configure the editor used to edit message. Depends on the OS
git config --global core.editor "gedit -w -s"  # For ubuntu

# To see current configuration you can use the "git config -l" command
# If you want to change something you can always edit the .gitconfig file
# using the following command (or any editor):
#   git config --global --edit

Cloning the group repository

To create a local repository on your machine you have to “clone” your “group repository” (e.g. m2r-aeis-G12) from GitHub. This will create a local repository on your machine where you can work locally.


The values provided in this example MUST be replaced by actual values.

#---- Clone the "group repository" and into a "local repository" ------------
# Go to your home directory
cd  # On unix

# The "group repository" is at URL like (check this when connected to GitHub)
# https://<github_account><grade>/<grade>-<class>-<group>.git
# The GitHub account is specified explicitly (noezarwin below).
# The following command will ask for the corresponding password.
# Clone it in the current directory.
git clone
# If you get a message ‘Failed to connect to port 443: Time out’
# it is most probably that your machine is behind a firewall and that
# you need to define http.proxy (see the Configuration section above).
# If you get a message indicating that the repository does not exist
# this can either be due to:
# * an error in the url. Check it again and don't miss .git at the end.
# * a proper read access on the repository might be missing
#   the given login.
#   Check this by connecting to GitHub with this login.

# Enter the newly created directory.
cd m2r-aeis-G12

Two situations are possible here:

  • (1) The repository is empty. If you are the first of your group performing this series of steps, your group repository could be empty. There will be at least the ‘.git’ hidden directory. That’s ok. Just continue.
  • (2) The repository is initalized. If (an)other(s) member(s) of the group already followed these instructions, your group repository will already contains their work. This is fine. You will get a non-empty directory. There is in particular a .git hidden directory. That’s ok. Just continue.

Simply put, this directory contains the “local repository”. This directory is managed through git commands.

Getting assignment skeletons

You now have to configure your repository to get assignment skeletons from the “root repository”. The “root repository” is maintained by teachers. This directory contains work definitions, directory structures, file skeletons, and so on.


The values provided in this example MUST be replaced by actual values.

#---- Declare the "root directory" and "pull" files from it ---------------
# Declare the m2r-aeis-root as a remote repository.
# You can check that you have access to this repository by logging in
# on GitHub and visiting .
# You declaration below should be done only once for each local repository.
git remote add root

# If you want to see the list of remote directories use the
# command "git remote -v". If you made a mistake in the URL and need to change
# it use the command "git remote set-url <newurl>".

# "Pull" the assignment skeletons from the "root directory".
# If an editor opens just enter a message like "get assignment skeletons"
git pull root master
# You should now have the assignment skeletons in the local repository.
# Note that if you get an error at this level this could be either because:
# * you've made an error in the url above. Use git remote -v to check it.
#   If there is an error use the following command
#      git remote set-url root <the-url>
# * you do not have read access to this repository. Please check this
#   going on GitHub and check if you see it with your login.

# You can browse the content of the directory with "ls -la" on unix.
# There is one directory per assignment.


You have to fill the CONTRIBUTORS.rst file in the repository and to put the information about your group using the format such as below.

=== ===== ======= ====================== ======================= ===================== =====================================
 n  group trigram       firstname              lastname              githubAccount                    email
=== ===== ======= ====================== ======================= ===================== =====================================
1   G12   BST     Babako                 SCHMIDT                 babako12    
2   G12   NZN     Noe                    ZARWIN                  noezarwin   
=== ===== ======= ====================== ======================= ===================== =====================================

There should be one line for each member. The list must be sorted by lastnames. Spaces and blank lines are important in the RST format.


The values provided in this example MUST be replaced by actual values.

#---- Edit, commit and push the change --------------------
# Use your favorite editor to edit
# Enter the data about all group members in the following format.

The fields are the following:


The indice of the member in the list. Members must be list in alphabetical order on the lastname, then firstname.


The group number (e.g. G12).


Three uppercase letters:

  • the first letter of the firstname
  • the first letter of the lastname
  • the last letter of the lastname

See the quality rule Trigramme for details about composite names.


The firstname of the member (e.g. Babako).


The lastname of member using UPPERCASES$ (e.g. SCHMIDT).


The login used by the member to connect to GitHub.


A valid email address.


The lines must be sorted by lastnames (ascending order). This is fundamental for defining the n indice.

The lastname must be all in uppercases.

Change the width of columns if you need more space for your name, email, etc. A strict alignement is necessary for the .rst processor to parse this table correctly.

# Save the file.
# Add the modified file to the files to be saved in the next commit
git add .

# Commit (e.g. save) the changes to the local repository
git commit -a -m "Set the authors for this repository"

# Push (e.g. publish) the state of the local repository to github
git push origin master
# If you get an error here indicating that there is no such repository
# this could be because you don't have write access to this repository.
# Go to GitHub using the login used in the url and check if you can edit
# files. If not post an issue in the root repository and writing rights
# will be associated to your account.

The changes should now appear on GitHub “group repository”. Log in to GitHub and go to your group repository (e.g. to check.

Making and pushing changes

Time to work and deal with assignments. The process is all about making changes, committing these changes to the “local repository” and pushing these changes on GitHub to the “group repository”.

#---- Making changes, committing and pushing them -------------------------
# Make some changes.

# Check which files have changed.
# Use the "-s" option if you prefer a shorter format.
git status

# Add files to be committed. Replace <files> below by actual file names.
# Use "git add ." to commit the whole directory
git add <files>

# Commit the files (save them in the local repository)
# Provide a useful message instead of <message>.
git commit -a -m ‘<message>’

# OPTIONAL: push changes to the "group repository" on GitHub
# You must do this at the end of a working session if you
# plan to continue on another machine (at home for instance)
# or if you want other group members to "see" the changes.
git push origin master

Pulling changes from the group repo

If you work on various machines or if other group members work in parallel your local repository may not contains the last changes available on GitHub in the group repository. In this case you have to “pull” these changes as following.

#---- Pulling changes from the group repository on GitHub -----------------
# Before making a "pull" make sure that you have committed all changes.
# "origin" refers to the "group repository" on GitHub.
# The "pull" command download the latest changes from the "group repository"
# then it try to merge these changes with those made locally.
git pull origin master

Pulling changes may cause some merge conflicts. See resolving merge conflicts in this case.

Pulling changes from the root repo

During the course new assignments may be created and/or new material may be added into an existing assignment, for instance to bring precision to some tasks or to add additional skeletons. These changes will be made available through the “root repository” which contains assignment skeletons. In order to get last updates you just have to pull these changes in the same way you pull changes from your “group repository”.

# Before making a "pull" make sure that you have committed all changes.
# "root" refers to the "root repository" on GitHub.
# This "remote" repository has been declared in the "Getting assignment skeletons"
# section.
git pull root master

Pulling changes may cause some merge conflicts. See resolving merge conflicts in this case.

Staying informed

In GitHub terms, “Watching” a repository means receiving notification when changes occur to it.

Since you are member of your “group repository” you should automatically receive notifications for new commits for instance. This is handy to keep in synch with other group members. By default you “Watch” this repository but you can change this by pressing on the “Unwatch” button on GitHub.

If you want to stay informed you may also want to “Watch” the following repositories.

  • the “info” repository for general information about the course. This can be useful to get notified when new slides are added for instance.
  • the “root” repository. Register to this repository if you want to receive information about assignments, get notification when questions are posted, etc.


If you receive too much notifications you can change the settings at any moment.


If you found a bug in an assignement, if you have some comments or or have a question about the course please post an [GitHub issue](

Please select the repository that is most suited to your issue:

  • If the “issue” is general or related to a particular assignment and the question/issue is relevant to other groups, then post the issue in “root” repository.
  • If the “issue” is only related to your group (you and other group member partner) please post the issue in your “group” repository (m2r-aeis-G12 for instance). Use the (!) button in the web interface (see [create an issue]( for details).

If you have some answer to some posted issues, please provide it directly online.


Use issues to communicate, not emails.